Do you have a story about Jesus Feminist?
It's been nearly ten years since it released but to celebrate, I'm mostly interested in your stories
Hi friends,
Just quickly popping in out of schedule today for a special reason. This week will mark a big anniversary in these parts: the 10th anniversary of my very first book, Jesus Feminist!
I had all sorts of plans (lol) to mark this milestone this month, but those fell by the wayside in the intensity of this season of life. However, when I got to thinking, I realized that really, the legacy of the book is yours, not mine, anyway.
That's the thing with books: you write them in a moment in time, with what you know at the time, and then they just keep *going* even as you change and evolve yourself. And meanwhile, the book becomes woven in to the fabric of other people's stories and experiences in some mystical way I still don't fully understand but definitely experience. So this little yellow book found its way around the world, into hands I never would have expected, lives I wouldn't have imagined then, and those stories that matter deeply to me now. And those stories are yours.
I never get tired of hearing about how this book intersected with your own story in a moment in time, it's one of the greatest honours of my life.
So to celebrate this week, rather than a bunch of navel-gazing on my part, I'd love to feature some of your stories or experiences because of Jesus Feminist. We've set up a little Google Form to collect your responses here:
But you can also just comment here below too, if you are okay with that.
Just tell us: What has been the legacy of Jesus Feminist in your life? How did it impact you then or even now?
We'll also send 5 signed copies to random commenters/form-filler-outters(?) as a thank you, too so forward this along to a friend if you know they've got a story here, too. (Comments might be featured in a Field Notes essay or social media post, just fyi.)
So much has changed for so many of us in ten years. And I'd be honoured to hear how Jesus Feminist mattered to you in that journey. Thanks, friends!
We’ll gather up a few of those stories and I look forward to sharing them with you all in the coming days.
Still a Jesus feminist,
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And in case you missed these recent Field Notes:
Ordinary Work: All I know to do when I don’t know what to do.
When hope and love don't feel like enough: And starting to wrap up Evolving Faith 2023
What have you learned about yourself through your own experience with an evolving faith?: Wisdom from the Field :: A Community Conversation
We become a parable of untamed grace: If Jesus lived today, we might be surprised by how often he uses the ordinary metaphors of our lives to repair our imagination about God.
👀 Book Cover Sneak Peek: Preorders are open for "Field Notes for the Wilderness" now!
I didn’t even know what a feminist really was when I first encountered Jesus Feminist but I was at a point where the faith of my youth no longer resonated with my lived experience. I knew that to stay in love with Jesus I needed more voices in my life who understood and would talk about what I was experiencing. Along came Jesus Feminist which helped my love for Jesus to deepen while also encouraging me to love others more.
Many years ago, I mentioned your book while teaching a woman’s Bible Study to mostly over 60s women. Sadly the response was not positive. I was so disappointed. This was the beginning of my acknowledgement of my deep unrest with (what I began to learn was) conservative theology. Grateful to you and others who have forged a different path.