In which I get honest about contentment, capacity, and a few other things
Or; Fit for purpose
Hi friends,
I hope that 2025 has been kind to you so far.
For our newer subscribers, one of the main reasons I named this newsletter Field Notes more than a decade ago is because I knew I needed this space to just write to you like a real person. Not a brand. Not a marketer. Not a perfect “ministry leader” with a “message” to spread. So less polished essay (lol) or a hot-take factory on the news of the day or seven-steps-to-being-as-holy-as-me (again: lol) and more like a missive from a friend, written from the very centre of my life. I wanted to be resolutely human alongside of you, rather than put on the spiritually damaging guise of a guru or the hubris of a self-appointed expert. (I mean, I can believe my own hype with the best of them but somehow the Holy Spirit never lets me get away with that for very long. It’s the worst.)
All of that preamble is to warn you that today’s messy missive is definitely in that vein. I’m noodling aloud with you here. The platforms and pedestals and perfection don’t belong here, we’re just going to be people. I hope that’s okay.