A huge thank you to subscriber Kathryn Craig who graciously created a printable of these forty days and made it available to all of us - thank you, Kathryn! Here's that link, folks: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YMzghtxqvBolyb1QhZUldlnWNn83woof/view

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Wow! Thank you so much to Kathryn! I've printed it out and incorporated it into my Passion Planner. This, along with my Lent with Mary Oliver by The Salt Project, and I'm all set.

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Would you all want to do a hashtag on Instagram for this perhaps? #FieldNotesLent and we can post about the day's prompt and come alongside of one another a bit? Or is that too much?

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I would love it!

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Absolutely! I've looked for Lent devotionals and none of them connected. This is great, as is the Common Prayer app. Thank you!

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I really want to take part in this - but Lent this year will be so messy for since we'll be travelling. So...I've made my own list with all same items but slightly rearranged to make sure I'll be home for the things like donating books/food and getting to know our neighbours. I think I've managed to keep most of them the same though. This is a great idea Sarah!

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Thanks for this, Sarah! I’m still considering how much I will participate, but I love the focus of this list.

Question for the general Field Notes Community: how do you approach fasting in a way that is gentle and kind on yourself? Is that even possible? I would love to participate in the fasting portion, but I’ve struggled so much with unhealthy restriction (especially with food) and with being too hard on myself and depriving myself of things out of a sense of legalism or self-punishment. Any advice for ways to approach fasting that is healthy and gentle and kind?

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Only you know what's best, my luv, but honestly, if it were me, I'd look for something to add for these weeks perhaps. Maybe these are weeks to intentionally *nourish* yourself rather than deprive yourself. To nourish yourself in the ways that God longs to nourish you. Love what Bethany said below, too. Much love to you.

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One thing that comes to mind reading this is to maybe focus more on the latter half of the fasting prompt (“channeling energy into something generative and healing”). It could look like giving up 15 minutes of time spent on the news or social media for 15 minutes of yoga or meditation each day. Or trying to give up a sense of legalism or self-punishment by making yourself a cuppa tea & just spending the time you drink it sitting in nature or thinking of a healing mantra you’ve chosen. (Or whatever feels gentle & restorative to you.)

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Great take, Bethany - thank you for this.

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Thank you so much, all of you. I literally cried when I read your answers earlier today...as much as I’ve learned in the last few years as I’ve deconstructed, it is still such a new thing to realize that my faith (even Lent) can be nourishing and full, rather than restrictive and depleting. Thanks for helping me to see beyond the small box that my faith originally grew in 💛

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I completely agree with Bethany, it's definitely a good idea to focus on something positive and restorative if restriction/legalism is something you have a hard time with. You definitely want this practice to create something life-giving and healthy in you <3

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Lent is often a time where I do things differently so that I am paying attention. It is less about deprivation or punishment and more about doing something with intention or with awareness of what I often take for granted. Gratitude practices are often a good fit for me during Lent. And, just like if you draw attention to your breath to relax, it is not a judgment that you aren't watching yourself breathe 24/7, the point isn't to shame myself for being ungrateful the rest of the time.

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I look forward to going through Lent with this community. ❤️

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Me too, my friend!

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Wow amazing suggestions! Thank you.

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This is wonderful, Sarah. I wasn't sure how to approach Lent this year and this is a great approach

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I love this. My church has nothing planned so far. Thank you.

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I am so looking forward to the daily Lenten words... Thank you, Sarah, for pastoring us well.

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I’m in! Thank you for this gift!

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I love this. I always feel like I'm doing Lent wrong, but I've never had a guide to follow before. Thank you!

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A suggestion for day 35.

If you're buying groceries for a food bank, they can probably use your money more efficiently than you.

Just send the money.

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A suggestion for days 28-29: Make a donation to a program that sends books to prisoners, giving hope to people on the margins of our society. I personally love Prison Book Program, which has wish lists where you can buy specific books for people in prison. They also accept donations of used books, or you can become a monthly donor. PrisonBookProgram.org

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful list with us all. I was already planning to attend an Ash Wednesday Service tomorrow so I am now encouraged to tackle the full list!

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These are beautiful. Thank you. Lent blessings to you too!!

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So this seems overwhelming and way too much for me. Something every day in Lent? I struggle to clean my teeth some days ( chronic fatigue plus emotional issues). I'm guessing I could just pick a couple?

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You can absolutely do whatever you want, there are no rules. As Sarah said, doing them all may be overwhelming so you can choose just a few. Maybe one per week would work for you! You also don’t have to do them necessarily on the day they are listed for.

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