you have a beautiful way with words - this resonates deeply today as I try to hold both utter heartache/grief and the "all is generally terrible" alongside the "I'm so thankful for my kids and the 'mom play soccer with me' and the giggles and the flowers blooming on my pear tree." And I trudge on trying to love. thank you!

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Thank you, thank you for your words. They give me so much hope. I'm crying at my desk today as I read this one. I so enjoy every single thing you write and I resonnate with so much of it.

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“Become the lighter of candles when the darkness presses in close” this and all of it so so good!

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My goodness, that’s beautiful. It’s so easy for me to become bitter and fearful at the mess we’ve made of things, and to forget the wonder and beauty of life. Wow. Such wisdom. Thank you.

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Beautiful! Heart-wrenching, heart-expanding words❣️

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I have found that the more people I know, in the widening circles of my life, acting in love is easier as the years go along. My mantra for years has been: The more people you know and who know you the harder it is to hate.

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I think you’re right. I struggled with the cliche that the more people I know the more I like my dog (and I don’t even have a dog!) but your mantra is more true and beautiful. I’m writing it in a sticky note ♥️

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This is so beautiful , Sarah. Thank you for the invitation and the breath prayer. My heart resounds a deep yes and amen to both.

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This is a lovely essay and a good reminder to go slowly and hopefully in our every day. I've been mindful of life's rhythms lately. My mother turned 90 this year and, although, she lives with Alzheimers, I can see myself becoming her. I can also see my 29 year old daughter becoming me as she gets married this year and begins her grown-up life. It is the way of things. Beautiful breath prayer, too. Thank you as always!

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Just wow, such a beautiful prayer to savour. Thank you!

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Beautiful,Sarah ♥️As always ♥️ Grateful for you x

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Sarah- this is so good. Thank you for pointing all of these things out for us…for bringing them back into view. You are a blessing/

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This is stunning. Thank you for the reminders of love.

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Thank you for this gorgeous offering! I needed this today.

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I needed to hear, and pray with you, every single word today. Thank you.

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A*men Sister (had an expletive in there but took it out even though it warranted it 😉)

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Beautiful breath prayer!

My recent breath prayer:

Inhale while praying, "Holy Spirit lead me."

Exhale in silence and peace.

Trust that He will lead you!

Keep praying it in sincerity and trust!

Relax and listen! Trust you will hear eventually. He leads when we seek Him!

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