So here is my resolution for these very days
Love out-prays, out-hustles, out-creates, outlasts.
Hi friends,
The temptation is silence, maybe even disengagement. The temptation is to go, distract, get busy doing something else, avoid. The temptation is pick up things that don't really matter, not really, because then our arms will be full and we won't be able to take more of the heartache, too. The temptation may be indifference or perhaps numb acceptance. The temptation lurking at the edges is to act as if you don't matter, your voice doesn't matter. Or to shout into the wind, to rant without care or caution, to lash out and swing our weapons of fear and hopelessness and panic, becoming dealers of the very thing we decry.
There is a reality whispering into our ear that everything is horrible and it's all terrible and there is no hope and we will never be whole and peace is a only a fairy tale for children.
These temptations and truths come to us with the bad news, with the fearful and bitter words, with more death and destruction, with baggage of grief and resignation, with the kind of anger that poisons the well. Perhaps at the heart of our despair is the belief we are powerless.
We are not powerless. The only ones who benefit from your consent to powerlessness are the powerful. So, no. No. We refuse.
Here we stand, the people of God - so, the people of Love - in the middle of the night, in the dangerous woods, in the soaking despair itself.
And here, in the teeth and mess and the maw of it all, we rise and we shine and we stand.
Like a candle on a lamp stand.
Like a city on a hill.
Like a flashlight in the forest.
Like a lantern on the prow of the ship in the storm.
Like a nightlight for a child afraid of the dark.
Like a bonfire on a beach.
We are in times of despair, we know this. There is no denying the times, no need for poor prophets to portend what lies ahead. There is division and discouragement. There is poisonous fruit being eaten from decaying trees and handed around with lies of health. We know how this goes, we are not the first ones to experience this attempt.
And here we are, the people of God - so, the people of Love - who plant trees by streams of righteousness; whose leaves will be for the healing of the nations; whose roots go down deep into the soil of God's love to bear the fruit of the Spirit embodying love and joy and peace, patience and kindness, goodness and faithfulness, gentleness and even yes, self-control.
There, here, we plant gardens in the places of our exile for the good of the city where we hear weeping.
We fill our lives and our hearts and each other with fruit and vegetables and bread; we even plant the unnecessary-for-survival things like marigolds and peonies and roses because we believe, like Dostoevsky, that beauty will save the world and in this place. We have learned to find the beauty in dirt and water and wind, the terrible beauty of sacrifice and resolve.
So here is my resolution for these very days, the days when we are being lured by fear and anger and despair into hopelessness and silence and resignation; here is what I will tell myself:
I have made my home in Love because I live and move and have my being in Christ.
There is no room in this house for fear, for sin, for hatred. I'm making the rooms ready for hope and for peace, I am washing the floors clean. I will refuse hatred in my words and in my own heart, no matter how goaded. I will remember to pray for my enemies and to love my neighbour and to practice these ways of the disciple as if Jesus meant them because I have a hunch he did mean them when he said them.
I will preach with my days and my words; I will remember that we are not the first generation to do this, to learn this, because God is our peace.
I will relearn the ways I've missed it; I'll learn how to repent and ask forgiveness; I will learn to forgive. I will cultivate joy and embrace sorrow. Rather than trading shot for shot, rage for rage, despair for despair, I will step out of that cycle of death and walk straight out onto the water, with my eyes on Jesus, He is always making a path in the wilderness, a way where there seems to be no way.
Love is the truest reality, I can’t be talked out of this.
I won't choose silence and despair and the litany of numb anger: I will choose to rise, to wash my face, and to keep going. When I fail - because let's not kid ourselves, there will be so many failures - I will brush the dust from my face and the tears from my eyes, I will learn how to start over and over and over.
I may finish last but I will run my leg of this race.
I will look the fear in the face and speak up anyway. I will look the hopelessness in the faith and declare the hope of the Lord for the redemption and rescue and renewal of all things.
When drowning in empty pontifications and nonsense justifications and bald lies, I will joyfully name the truth. I will put my back and my hands into real work, finding the gift of doing things, of making things, of creating things, of healing things, of feeding people, of bringing order out of chaos in small ways.
I will welcome the disruption of the wild goose, the holy Spirit of God, and the awakening of power, not for displays and performances but for the empowerment of the people of God to embody the resurrection ways.
I will look at mountains of injustice and rather than pretend it's not there or walk away as if I can do nothing about it, I will both pray for that mountain to be lifted up and cast into the sea and then I will also pick up my small shovel and my bucket and I will help to make mountains move.
We are not powerless and fearful, not us: and so I’ll pray and work, this is prayer, too. I’ll make coffee in the morning and hot meals to gather around the table at suppertime. I’ll worship and sing out words of promise and praise. I’ll raise these children and read good books. I’ll pray for my enemies and write letters and send money and show up to fold clothes and drop off meals with an extra bag of groceries.
I’ll advocate with the marginalized and amplify the oppressed and antagonize the Empire with a grin on my face. Resist with relish. I will honour those who get after the work of the Kin-dom and practice celebration.
I relinquish entirely the idea that we can baptize sinful practices in the name of sacred purposes. I will testify in ordinary ways. We are not afraid, we were made for these days.
Tyranny and hate and despair never win, not for long and not forever and certainly not now. Love out-prays, out-hustles, out-creates, outlasts.
Here in the midst of the dark times of despair, the people of hope and love are so doggedly frustratingly relentlessly bright. I want to stand near that light in hopes my own candle ignites.
Light it up,
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I've Got Questions: I hope this isn’t presumptuous, but why the eff are we even doing this anymore? (with Erin Hicks Moon)
40 Breath Prayers for When You Are Despairing: Show me who to be, and what is mine to do.
Good words for hard times: A community conversation
The one who needs to be nourished and the one who feeds: Or, Despair is not our only option
In which I get honest about contentment, capacity, and a few other things: Or; Fit for purpose
Rewritten/edited from the original 2016 essay.
I rather love the idea of the Holy Spirit as a wild goose. Anyone who has been chased by a goose or heard their HISSSSSSSSS knows this is no tame bird!
Thank you, Sarah, for these powerful words. I deeply resonate with this call to stand in love, resist despair, and keep showing up with hope.
Breath Prayer for Strength
Inhale: You are my strength.
Exhale: I will not fear.
Inhale: Love is the truest reality.
Exhale: I will walk in it.