Sitemap - 2024 - Sarah Bessey's Field Notes
I do love an end of the year wrap up
These are the days for believing impossible things, like good news
If we were real-life friends, these are the things I probably would have texted to you
Ep. 43: This is no small thing
My recent ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reads plus all the books I finished lately
Ep. 42: This blessing will (hopefully) be what you need
This blessing will (hopefully) be what you need
The Most Powerful Muscle in the World
A Blessing for Those of us who Want (or Hope) to be Surprised by Jesus
Ep. 41: A Blessing for Those of us who Want (or Hope) to be Surprised by Jesus
The Unexpected Jesus: Week 4 // Mary the Magdalene
Ep. 40: The Unexpected Jesus, Week 4
The Unexpected Jesus: Your Turn
The Unexpected Jesus: Week 3 // The Woman at the Well
Ep. 39: The Unexpected Jesus, Week 3
An Evolving Faith Announcement
The Unexpected Jesus: Week 2 // The Wedding in Cana
Ep. 38: The Unexpected Jesus, Week 2
The Unexpected Jesus: Week 1 // The Incarnation
Ep. 37: The Unexpected Jesus, Week 1
This isn’t a life I get to live over again
Invitation: Ask me anything (+ a big sale)
My frustratingly tender heart / is not a problem to solve
Hello to here: A Community Conversation
Ep. 36: They can't say we didn't try
The small, ordinary, good things keeping me going from food to books to movies and beyond
Reading novels like a kid in the 80s who has been promised a personal pan pizza for their efforts
Flowers and Other Ordinary Altars for Memory
Could I trouble you for an opinion?
The beginner's guide to Doctor Who
In which an angry encounter leads to a few thoughts on metaphors and motherhood
Time for the having-too-many-tabs-open portion of the day
Instructions on Loving in Particular
As Easter approaches, I’m learning to embrace joy in ordinary life
" work harder against the dark, to sing louder, to find more teammates" (Brian Doyle)
I used to belong there. I don’t belong there anymore.
A grab bag of book-ish goodness from a new playlist to Winnipeg visits and beyond
Answering your questions about writing, books, & publishing
Ep. 35. Finally: Marriage + An Evolving Faith
Finally: Navigating Marriage + An Evolving Faith